How Gandhi Inspired Me To Go Gluten and Dairy Free

Go Gluten and Dairy Free - Be One With Your Diet

My daughter came home from school recently with a story she learned about Mahatma Gandhi. After hearing the story, I decided to make a big change in my life.

A mother, concerned by her son’s obsession with eating sugar, took him to his idol, Gandhi. The woman explained the situation and was told by Gandhi to bring the boy back in two weeks. When she returned, Gandhi told the boy to stop eating so much sugar. The mother asked why he had not given this advice the first time. He explained it was because he had been eating sugar then. Gandhi stopped eating sugar so that he could better understand and help the boy.

I do not have a medical need to eat gluten and dairy free, yet I own a company that makes products that are gluten and dairy free. I advise people on ways to make this diet easier. My work and company grew out of hearing people’s challenges with this lifestyle, possessing skills to remedy their problems, and trying to help. The story of Gandhi inspired me to live gluten and dairy free for one month. I decided if I am going to talk the talk, I should walk the walk.

Now that I have completed a month of eating gluten and dairy free, I have my own stories to tell. I will be posting some of my experiences with the diet on this blog.

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